Qarahunj or Zorats Qarer: the Armenian Stonehenge

Qarahunj is located in the vicinity of Syunik region’s Sisian city and is considered to be one of
the ancient observatories of the world. The Qarahunj stones complex, also known as Zorats
Qarer, is one of the most unique and remarkable historical monuments of Armenia. It is situated
on the left bank of the Vorotan River tributary, 200 km from Yerevan. It rises on a mountain
plateau 1170 meters above sea level. The complex is located in one of the most powerful
energy points of the planet Earth: hence the name Zorats Qarer, meaning "stones of power".
There are about two hundred vertical three meters high stones that make up two circles and
have holes of 5-7 cm in diameter.
There is a version, according to which the Armenian Qarahunj was used from a rather
progressive civilization to observe the Sun, Moon and stars. Outwardly, Qarahunj resembles the
famous British stone megalithic structure - Stonehenge. Both are a mysterious "complex" of
several hundred vertically mounted stones. However, the Armenian Qarahunj has a more
ancient history than its English analogue. Qarahunj is about 7500 years old, while Stonehenge
is 4000. It is remarkable that both these monuments are attributed to mystical and cosmic
Currently, Zorats Qarer has the status of a historical and cultural reserve and is considered a
special territory protected by the state.