About us

Travel company «ARMENIA SPIRIT TRAVEL» is a multi-profile tour operator, specializing in the field
of tourism and transportation. «ARMENIA SPIRIT TRAVEL» was founded in 2018 . The company goals
include the high-quality service and the security of «ARMENIA SPIRIT TRAVEL»’s customers. This is
the great merit of the company’s experienced and professional team who will gladly provide
their clients with an interesting and fascinating journey, as well as our reliable partners in various
countries of the world. We cooperate with more than 130 companies, engaged in tourism in 73
The structure of the company: the operators office and a sale location in Artsakh. The main
activities of «ARMENIA SPIRIT TRAVEL» include:
- outbound tourism,
- individual and group tours,
- rest on mountain-skiing and sea resorts,
- foreign tours,

- secondary and higher education in the leading educational institutions of the world,
as well as specialized tours - medical, sports, religious events, business tours, extreme tourism,
reception and service of foreign tourists and compatriots in Armenia, rest in the best health
resorts and sanatoriums, excursion and religious programs in the Republic of Armenia and
Artsakh, weekend tours, organization and service of conferences and seminars, guide-interpreter
services, rent of cars, minibuses, booking and sale of air tickets of more than 50 airlines of the
world, railway tickets all over Europe, VIP-service in airports, charter flights.
«ARMENIA SPIRIT TRAVEL» is the only Armenian company that presented Armenia at the IMTM
exhibition in Israel.